A fever has always been somewhat of a "red flag" symptom when it comes to illness — and concern over fever has increased over the last few years with the COVID-19 pandemic, given that it's one of the telltale symptoms. But having a fever above normal adult temperature is not always a sign to panic.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the presence of a fever typically indicates an infectious disease, and if your body is fighting off a viral or bacterial infection, a fever can be one of the first signs, says Soma Mandal, MD, a board-certified internist at Summit Health in New Jersey. Fortunately, most fevers can be self-managed with over-the-counter medications, rest, and fluids. But other fevers can be stubborn and are more cause for concern.
Ahead, get a comprehensive breakdown on adult fevers, normal adult temperature, fever symptoms in adults, how to reduce fever in adults, and when to worry about adult fevers.
According to Dr. Mandal, a normal body temperature is typically around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but this can vary from person to person. "Typically, a low-grade fever is 99 degrees Fahrenheit, and anything that is 100.4 F or above is typically considered to be a fever," she explains.
As mentioned earlier, a fever often indicates the presence of a viral or bacterial infection that your body is working to fight.
But extreme heat can raise body temperature and manifest as fever, too, Dr. Mandal says. Sweating and dilating blood vessels are some of the body's natural cooling mechanisms, but if these mechanisms are not enough, a fever might crop up.
Additionally, certain medications such as antibiotics, antimalarial medications, and anesthesia can also cause fever, Dr. Mandal adds. "With drug-induced fevers, the fever usually goes away a few days after stopping the medication," she says.
Surgery can also trigger inflammatory proteins and cause postoperative fever, and hormonal conditions like a hyperactive thyroid can cause fever, fast heart rate, and fluctuating blood pressure, Dr. Mandal adds. Other conditions that cause inflammation, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can trigger a fever response as well.
Feeling warm and having a thermometer show a body temperature that's above normal or average aren't the only signs of a fever. According to Cleveland Clinic, other fever symptoms include:
"A recurring fever is a fever that happens multiple times over a period of time," per Cleveland Clinic . These fevers are also usually episodic, meaning they come and go. They are most common in children. But in adults, recurrent fevers can be caused by an untreated infection, periodic fever syndromes (a group of disorders that can trigger recurrent fevers), chronic illnesses like lupus and arthritis, stress, changes in sleep, and certain medications, according to DM Clinical Research.
Of course, fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) are often considered a go-to form of treatment. But not all fevers need medical treatment, Dr. Mandal says. Sometimes, resting and drinking plenty of fluids can do the trick if the fever is below 102 degrees, according to Mayo Clinic.
If you're just a couple of decimal points higher than the standard 98.6, you typically don't need to worry. But if your fever starts creeping up into the 100s, here's what you need to know:
You should also seek medical attention if your fever is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, as it can be a sign of something more serious, per Mayo Clinic:
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